Coming Soon!
In only 3 weeks, we will begin making several blocks that are most easily and accurately made using strip techniques.The 3/4-inch finished squares and strips can be cut with a regular ruler, but I will be showing you the advantages of using our 3/4-inch finished Log Cabin Ruler #8037.
Because most of the lines on the 3/4-inch side of the ruler are exactly 3/4-inch apart, making the "second cut" across the pieced strip visually easy.
End-of-Row Block
Because I stabilized the bias edges on the two halves of Charlotte, I thought you might enjoy my "Top 10" list for Marti's Choice Fusible Tape. Click the image for a larger view or download the PDF here to printMaking Charlotte
Take advantage of cutting the fabrics for both halves of Charlotte at the same time. It is really very straightforward.If you don't have Set M, there aren't many pieces of each shape to cut using the patterns provided in the book.
My Charlotte Block
You can see on the back where Marti's Choice Fusible Tape has been fused on the longest edge (hypotenuse) of the pieced halves:Click on the image for a larger view. Click the link below to download the Chart for cutting and making Charlotte:
In addition to our template conversion PDF download, you will want to read Gnome Angel's tutorials for these blocks.

The Farmer’s Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt: Inspiring Letters from Farm Women of the Great Depression and 99 Quilt Blocks That Honor Them by Laurie Aaron Hird for Fons & Porter/F+W.
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