This is the first block in the Farmer's Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt to be cut with From Marti Michell Perfect Patchwork Template Set S. If this is your first time using the Set S templates, please take a little time to understand the pieces, especially Template S-98.
Because it is a long piece, the width of 6 inches divided by 5 plus 1/2 inch, it is perfect for measuring and cutting strips “the Marti Way” for many pieces in the Set S blocks. S-98 can actually be used to cut 8 pieces, 4 rectangles and 4 trapezoids. If you have used any of our Log Cabin Rulers, S-98 is used to measure in a similar way. You can download a PDF that illustrates cutting the Marti Way with S-98.
Click the image for a larger view. Click here to download the PDF.
Nearly every day I encourage people to eliminate unnecessary seams to reduce bulk, create smoother, flatter quilts and to avoid disrupting fabric designs whenever possible. Not to mention, every seam you reduce is one less piece to cut, one less piece to sew, one less seam to press, etc.
In the Georgia block, we took the opportunity to join squares and half-square triangles out of the same fabric into trapezoids when cutting and eliminate seams.
We also joined the sub-units a different way. See the last diagram on the Georgia PDF.
Volume 4 of the Encyclopedia of Patchwork Blocks includes 80 12-inch blocks based on a 5 x 5 grid to make with Set M. You will notice in the Set S instruction booklet on page 7 we include a conversion chart to simplify turning the 12-inch 5 x 5 blocks in Volume 4 into 6-inch 5 x 5 blocks.
If you need more blocks to make a larger quilt, or just want to replace some of the blocks in the book, there are 6 in the Set S booklet for starters and dozens more in Volume 4.
My Georgia Block
Click on the image for a larger view. Click the link to download the Chart for cutting and making Georgia:
In addition to our template conversion PDF download, you will want to read Gnome Angel's tutorials for these blocks.

The Farmer’s Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt: Inspiring Letters from Farm Women of the Great Depression and 99 Quilt Blocks That Honor Them by Laurie Aaron Hird for Fons & Porter/F+W.
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