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Showing posts with label home. Show all posts

February 11, 2009

"Partying" at Home

I have a week at home to catch up on things that happened while I was gone and prepare for events coming up. We're finishing up the block instructions for the next Patchwork Party. The new Patchwork Party starts on March 15 and runs through June 15. We actually made the blocks in December. We have to work ahead so the shops can place their fabric orders. My team includes graphic designer Patti Bachelder and Harriett Fox, who assists with the sewing, writing and proofreading. This is the sixth set of blocks we have designed since Debbie Luttrell came up with the idea and organized the Party. I wish I could post pictures, but everything's a secret until the Party kicks off! But you can see previous Parties here.

Stacy, our daughter, had left on January 12 for the Tokyo Dome Quilt Show while Richard and I were returning from Charleston, SC. When the Dome show was over, she went on to South Korea to teach. I was happy to pick her up at the airport and trade travel stories. It is a small quilt world - it turned out I had seen two people in Holland who had been to the Tokyo Dome show and seen Stacy.

Of course, I watched the Super Bowl. We kinda wanted Arizona to win, since they had rather unexpectedly knocked Atlanta out in the first playoff game and they were the underdogs. But then we kinda wanted Arizona to lose because they knocked Atlanta out in the first playoff game! I like to say I really watch the game to see the ads and the half-time show, but I found both of those disappointing this year, and the game was great! That's the kind of game you like to see in championship playoffs. The game could only have been better if it had gone into overtime!

We got things shipped out for February events in Las Vegas and Arizona, and I went on to repacking the quilt suitcases and my clothes so everything will fit into two checked bags and one carry-on. Because I fly Delta so much, I'm a "medallion" flyer and it used to be that I could check three bags and carry on one. Now, since they joined with Northwest, it is just two checked bags. I admit it makes the traveling easier, but it sure makes the packing more difficult!