Welcome to the first Farmer’s Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt block cut with From Marti Michell Template Set B. In the same spirit as the first blocks cut with Set A templates, we are starting with 2 very easy blocks.
Patience is the 19th block in our conversions and may be the easiest block in the entire book! I can’t resist saying, “It won’t take much patience to make Patience!” However, patience is a perfect ingredient to add to your Farmer’s Wife Sew-Along tool basket.
If your Patience block with only 7 pieces and 6 seams is not a perfect 6-1/2 inch square, maybe you need… more patience. Maybe it is time to slow down, be more careful as you cut, practice your quarter-inch seam, pay attention to the grainline of your fabric, etc. If you have questions about the templates or working with them, please go back and review the blog posts and videos. We are here to help.
Just for Fun
A question: Which phrase do you remember your Mother saying most?a. Patience is a virtue.
b. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
You probably won’t be surprised that I chose to eliminate seams in Patience or that we recommend chain piecing strips and then cutting squares in Patricia instead of cutting 8 little strips and joining them to make squares.
The Patricia block is fun to play with and a good one to let children sew and arrange if you are lucky enough to have a youngster close by that wants to “help you.” With the very same sub-units you can make all of these blocks…
And then some -- hence, an empty block grid to encourage you to play with it! How many more designs can you make? For a fun rainy-day project with your favorite kid(s), let them arrange the sub-units, take digital pictures, and then go back and compare and pick a favorite.
My Patience Block
Click on the photos to see larger images.And My Patricia Block
Click the link to download the Template Conversion Chart for these blocks:
for Blocks 79 Patience and 80 Patricia
In addition to our template conversion PDF download, you will want to read Gnome Angel's tutorials for these blocks.

The Farmer’s Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt: Inspiring Letters from Farm Women of the Great Depression and 99 Quilt Blocks That Honor Them by Laurie Aaron Hird for Fons & Porter/F+W
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